Electricity sharing: Sharing regional electricity with the KLUUB
Selling electricity privately? Is that even possible? Yes! It's easy within an energy community with the KLUUB of the neoom APP.
- Sell your electricity to neighbours
- Buy cheap green electricity from your region
- Without having to change your electricity provider
- Become independent of electricity price fluctuations

Fixed electricity prices
Purchase electricity at fixed prices - without having to change electricity provider
Stable feed-in tariffs
Feed in surplus electricity at fixed prices - without changing the existing energy supplier
100% green & regional electricity
Purchase sustainably generated electricity directly from your region or sell it to others.

Share electricity in your neighbourhood: Welcome to the KLUUB!
Using the feature "KLUUB" of the neoom APP, you can easily and unbureaucratically become part of an energy community. This means you can sell the electricity generated by you in your region or - even without a PV system - obtain regional and green electricity.
neoom organises everything for you in order to become part of an energy community. However, we do not only guide the way there, but also support the energy community all the way.
KLUUB advantages
Selling electricity to neighbours
In a KLUUB energy community, you can sell your surplus electricity to others in your area - simply and unbureaucratically and at stable feed-in tariffs. On average, you will also get a better deal than with the energy supplier.
New source of income
Stable feed-in tariffs
Higher yields
than with conventional purchase agreements with energy suppliers

KLUUB advantages
Buy cheap green electricity
As an electricity consumer, you can use sustainably produced electricity in a KLUUB energy community even without your own PV system or similar. You benefit from stable purchase prices and 100% regional green electricity directly from the surrounding area.
Green electricity from your region
Fixed electricity prices & lower electricity costs
Independence from rising electricity costs
Electricity sharing with the neoom KLUUB:Features
This is what the neoom KLUUB offers you:
- Searching
for the right energy community for you - Processing of joining
your energy community - Overview
of your electricity consumption & your income from your electricity sales - Billing
via the KLUUB - Sending invoices
with full transparency

Join the KLUUB in 4 steps
How to share electricity with your neighbours
- Log in to the neoom APP and enter your data
- An energy community is being sought for you (local query)
- Sign electricity supply contract & data approval
- You are now part of an energy community and you can trade green electricity within the energy community!
Too fast? You can find a more detailed step-by-step guide in our knowledge base.
Success Stories
from the KLUUB Community
Energy communities in the surroundings of substations
We have already successfully established energy communities in the surroundings of substations in several regions. Here you can see how large such regions are:

You live in one of these regions? Well, then get into the KLUUB - your future energy community is looking forward to meeting you!
Communities in active energy communities
Even whole communities can establish an energy community.
The municipality of Freistadt and the market town of Taufkirchen an der Pram are good examples for energy communities.
Read more about the two communities in energy communities here:
Reference story of the Energy Community Taufkirchen a.d. Pram >

Sharing electricity in your region
to initiate the establishment of an energy community in your region? Then visit us at one of our information events in your area and register for the neoom KLUUB.
Register for
the neoom KLUUB
Watch the video to find out more about what energy communities are, how you can participate and what you need to bear in mind. You can produce or consume regional green electricity in the energy community.
Electricity Sharing: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Can I sell electricity generated by my PV to neighbours?
Yes - within an energy community! Energy communities are there to enable citizens, SMEs or municipalities to trade green electricity with each other in a simple and unbureaucratic way. With the neoom KLUUB you can easily become part of an energy community.
What do I have to do to switch to green electricity from my region?
In order to receive green electricity from your region, you don't have to change your electricity provider. With neoom KLUUB, you can simply become part of an energy community and purchase the green electricity that your neighbour's PV system has produced in excess.
Do I have to change my electricity supplier?
No, your existing electricity supplier remains active. The energy community is another source of supply in addition to your electricity provider.
What is an energy community?
A renewable energy community (RES), or energy community for short, is a local or regional association or cooperative. This community can consist of citizens, municipalities and companies (SMEs). The aim of the community is to jointly generate, store and consume electricity. In this way you can easily share your self-generated electricity with your neighbour.
How many members are needed for energy trading via the KLUUB?
In order to trade electricity within an energy community, there must be at least 10 participants in the neoom KLUUB. The more interested people you find in your area, the faster neoom can assist with setting up the energy community. Therefore, try to inspire as many people, communities and companies as possible in your region. The KLUUB will help you find like-minded people.
Is the foundation of an energy community only possible in Austria?
Yes. In Germany and Switzerland, the legal framework is still pending to make energy communities accessible to everyone through the neoom KLUUB, unbureaucratically and quickly. Nevertheless, pre-registration for the neoom KLUUB is possible. Register now - we will keep you up to date. In this way, you will be the first to join energy communities in Germany and Switzerland.
How long does it take to set up an energy community with neoom?
The more energy community enthusiasts from a region register, the sooner we can start the foundation process.
After your registration in the neoom KLUUB is complete, we start looking for a suitable energy community for you. We take care of the bureaucratic process, which takes several months depending on the response of the stakeholders (grid operators, EDA platform, ...). You can find out more about the individual steps of this process here.
We try to complete the process for you as quickly as possible so that you can share unlimited green electricity with your neighbours. To speed up the process, you can request from your grid operator (Netz NÖ, Linz Netz, Wiener Netze) a smart meter and an account in the online portal at any time.
Is neoom founding local or regional energy communities?
We start by founding regional energy communities in order to give as many citizens as possible access to regional electricity and to keep the running costs of the association structure per participant as low as possible. One energy community is founded per substation, because the more consumers and producers can be bundled, the more balanced the energy production and feed-in within the energy community will be.
What are the technical requirements for an Energy Community?
A smart meter must be installed in your household. This allows you to track your electricity consumption at any time. Requests for such a smart meter may be made to your grid operator (e.g. Netz Oberösterreich, Wiener Netze) if it is not yet installed.
With what kind of formalities will I have to deal with?
After the successful registration in the neoom KLUUB, we need the following documents from you:
- Electricity bill
- Power of attorney/declaration of intent for communicating with the grid operator
- Account with your grid operator (e.g. Netz Oberösterreich, Wiener Netze, ...)
Once you have registered in the neoom KLUUB and successfully found an energy community in your region, we will send you your electricity contract. As soon as we have received the signed electricity contract, you can start trading electricity in your region.
Where do I find my transformer ID or substation ID?
For the allocation of an energy community, we need your transformer ID and substation ID. The ID query is made by entering the metering point number at the respective grid operator. neoom takes care of the query for you, after you have given us the power of attorney for communicating with the grid operator.
Are you still curious which ID is assigned to your metering point number? You can carry out a quick check online with the following network operators:
How does electricity distribution work?
Primarily, the members of an energy community consume the electricity they produce themselves. If the electricity consumption is higher than the production in the energy community, the remaining electricity is purchased from the respective electricity provider. Electricity is distributed between members on a percentage basis - simple, transparent & fair.
In this example, the total electricity consumption is 12kWh, the energy community produces only 10kWh. Therefore, 2kWh is drawn from the grid.
The municipality has the highest electricity consumption, amounting to 4kWh, which is 33% of the total consumption. The municipality therefore draws 3.33kWh from the energy community and 0.67kWh from the grid.
How much electricity may I feed into the grid in Austria?
The amount of energy that may be fed into the grid in Austria - and also into the energy community - is unlimited.
How much do I get for 1 kWh of solar electricity?
The price for 1 kWh of solar power sold in the energy community depends on the region. In Upper Austria, it is likely to be between 13 and 15 ct/kWh.
How is the transmission of energy-related data carried out?
Your grid operator is responsible for your energy data. A balance is calculated for each metering point within your energy community from the electricity consumption and feed-in values. The data is collected every 15 minutes and transmitted to us on a daily basis via the energy data exchange platform („energiewirtschaftliche Datenaustauschplattform” – in short: EDA platform). You can view them transparently at any time in the KLUUB.
More information on the EDA platform: https://www.eda.at/
Where can I get detailed information on energy communities?
You can find more information about energy communities in the neoom KLUUB here: https://wissen.neoom.com/erneuerbare-energiegemeinschaften-mit-neoom-kluub
Here you can find more FAQs about the Austrian Renewable Energy Expansion Act („Erneuerbaren-Ausbau-Gesetz” – in short: EAG): https://energiegemeinschaften.gv.at/faq/
Here you can find more information on the topic of energy communities: https://energiegemeinde.info/