Decentralised. Digital.
We are truly convinced that renewable energy is the logical alternative in all areas of our lives. The Sun, Wind and Water are the supernatural forces that we rely on for the long term. The advantages thanks to our renewable products, intelligent algorithms as well as the Internet, are highly sustainable and valuable. For this reason, we take upon ourselves the accountability to connect both the advanced and highest safety standards.
Our Motivation
We are driven by the energy transition. Only decentralization, digitalization and renewable energies make this possible. For more sustainability, digitalization and transparency.
Dynamic, creative & agile
Fair & holistic
Young & trendy
Innovative & sustainable

Our Vision
Our Mission
neoom offers innovative, clean, and integrated decentralised energy solutions.
Together with our partners we work our butts off to create fully integrated, electrical and digital systems that create sustainable values for all of us and exceed any of our customers wishes.
Our central goal is to save more than one gigatonne of CO2 equivalents.
Investor Relations
The people behind neoom stand for the development of a highly profitable and sustainable company that can meet the requirements of a rapidly growing market and the challenges ahead in the area of climate protection. This requires visionary investors who make all of this possible.
We work towards energy transition every single day. Yet, the biggest lever in the fight against the climate crisis is, to obtain energy from sustainable sources. We always start with ourselves.
At the beginning of every path, surly the first step must be taken. In the beginning of 2021, neoom began to measure the – Corporate Carbon Footprint. In a second step, all collected emissions were offset, so neoom has been climate-neutral since 2021.
Gigacorn -
more than only climate-neutral
While the provision of products, systems and new technologies has been given a vast importance on our to-do-list, we are still of the opinion that there is more to it. Our responsibility of becoming a Gigacorn is of big significance for us.
We are raising the bar quite high.
First and foremost for each and one of us at neoom, as well as for our partners.

Innovation Hub
Find out more about the latest scientific discoveries