Starting together a
renewable energy revolution
Do you produce green electricity yourself? Or would you like to be able to consume 100% green electricity even without a PV system? In any case, a renewable energy community (RES community) is definitely something for you. This is why, everyone in Austria can join in, regardless of whether they are private consumers, entrepreneurs (SMEs) or municipalities.
Your advantages:
- Future-proof
- Electricity price security
- Easy entry into e-mobility
- Guaranteed green electricity from your region
The way is free
Enacted in 2021, the Renewable Energy Expansion Act Package (EAG) provides the legal basis for renewable energy communities.
Austria takes the lead in Europe and is the first country enabling its citizens to join together in the form of a renewable energy community and share sustainable electricity with each other.
The legal form of a renewable energy community can be an association or a cooperative. neoom has decided to found RES communities as associations, as the foundation, participation and operation is less complicated and cheaper for everyone!
In Germany and Switzerland, the legal framework is still pending to make renewable energy communities unbureaucratically and quickly accessible to everyone through the neoom KLUUB. Nevertheless, pre-registration for the neoom KLUUB is possible. Register now - we'll keep you up to date. Be the first to join energy communities in Germany and Switzerland.
How a
renewable energy community
Even now a building can be energy self-sufficient - and even produce surplus electricity, due to the right combination of energy generation and storage. A RES community is basically accessible to everyone: private households, businesses and municipalities. In the near future, people who do not produce their own electricity will also be able to use 100% green electricity from the region - and thus play an active role in shaping the energy transition.
If there is not enough energy produced by the Energy Community, it will continue to be supplied by your energy provider. Don't worry, the lights don't go off by joining an energy community.
How much
does electricity cost?
Transparency, freedom and community are the cornerstones of an energy community, along with sustainability. That's why the members of an RES community determine the price of electricity together.
Due to the exemption from the green electricity subsidy, the elimination of the electricity levy and reduced grid usage fees, the total price for all members can be kept significantly below the current electricity prices and still achieve higher feed-in tariffs than the energy suppliers.
Current electricity price (without energy community): 30 to 60 cents/kWh*.
*Electricity prices are currently at an all-time high
Electricity price in an energy community:
20-30 Cent
Revenue per kWh
Become an energy trader and sell your sustainably produced electricity to the other members of your energy community. This is how you open up a new source of income and benefit from stable feed-in tariffs, fairness and transparency in your RES community.
20-30 Cent
per kWh
Purchase cheap, regional green electricity from e.g. PV and storage facility owners in your regional area of the RES community. Independent of global energy price increases and at a fair and stable price.
We support your community in finding a fair energy price* via the APP. In addition, corresponding subsidies for new renewable energy systems can be claimed.
* We set a price at the beginning. In the course of operation, we will adjust this to the electricity prices of the individual members, so that the community benefits jointly from energy trading.

Knowledge database
Tariff overview for energy communities
You want to know more about electricity prices within an energy community? In the neoom knowledge database you will find overviews and much more important information (German only).
These are the advantages
of being a member of a RES community
- You pay lower grid costs and levies than with conventional suppliers.
- You buy 100% green electricity from the region.
- You earn higher returns if you sell your surplus electricity in the RES community.
- The costs are already fixed when you register for the APP. So everyone knows what to expect.
- Each RES member can purchase electricity within the community.
- Each RES member can provide his/her surplus energy within the community.
- We take care of the foundation, billing and invoicing of the energy community. This means no effort for you as a member to set up or organise an energy community.
- The billing for the purchased and sold electricity is also fair and transparent.
- You have a clear, comprehensible and safe overview of your data at all times using your own personal energy and finance dashboard.
Regardless of whether you contribute energy yourself or obtain regional energy via this route, as part of the energy flow you actively contribute to the energy transition and ensure electricity price and grid stability.
Become part of the sharing economy -
become part of the energy transition!
neoom helps you to find like-minded people in your area and to network with them. After founding a joint RES community, nothing hinders your local electricity trade. It's so easy to be part of this innovative "sharing economy"!

The path to your
future energy-saving community
After registering, we can connect you with members in your region who are eligible for an energy community with you. Our KLUUB app works with artificial intelligence and automatically connects you with the right people.
03your renewable energy community
We assign you to the most suitable RES community or found a new one automatically. This requires some bureaucracy - but you can relax: We'll take care of everything for you.
As soon as the renewable energy community is founded, you can sell your produced electricity to the other members or buy energy from them.
To ensure that this runs smoothly at all times, we take care of the organisation and processing of your RES community. We also take care of your billing in an automated and uncomplicated way. And we provide you with insight: With us, you always know where your electricity comes from and how much you have used.
Training 'Expert Energy Communities'
- Introduction to energy communities
- Establishment, operation & billing of energy communities
- Establishing & operating energy communities with the neoom KLUUB
- Research & Communities
Time: One-day training, 09:00 am - 02:00 pm
Max. number of participants: 20 per session
Target group: People interested in energy communities as well as people who are about to found an energy community and people who are already members of an energy community
Upcoming DATES
Freistadt (AT)
- 19 October 2023 - register here
- 29 November 2023- register here
The training will be held exclusively in German.
Questions and the right answers
What is a RES community?
A renewable energy community is a local or regional association as a club or cooperative. This RES community can involve citizens, municipalities and companies (SMEs). The aim of the community is to jointly generate, store and consume electricity. This way, you can easily share your self-generated electricity with your neighbours.
How many members are needed to form RES community?
There have to be at least 10 members. The more interested people there are in your area, the faster we can initiate a foundation.
Therefore, try to inspire ten members and a municipality in your region.
How long does it take to found a RES community with neoom?
The more RES community-enthusiasts from a neighbourhood register, the sooner we start with the foundation process.
After your registration on the neoom KLUUB is completed, we start with the foundation of a RES community. We take care of the bureaucratic process, which takes several months depending on the response of the stakeholders (grid operators, EDA platform, ...).
We try to complete the process for you as quickly as possible.
Does neoom found local or regional RES communities?
We are starting with the foundation of regional RES communities in order to give as many citizens as possible access to regional electricity.
What are the technical requirements for an RES community?
To ensure that your electricity consumption can be tracked at all times, a smart meter must be installed in your household.
What are the formalities?
Once you signed up successfully for neoom KLUUB, please provide us with the following documents:
- Electricity bill
- Power of attorney/declaration of intent for grid operator communication
After completing the registration with neoom KLUUB and the establishment of a RES Community in your region, you will receive the energy supply contract from us after a waiting period of 4 weeks on average. As soon as we have received the signed energy supply contract, regional electricity trading can start!
Do I have to switch my electricity provider?
No, your existing electricity supplier remains active. The RES community is an additional supply.
Where do I find out my transformer ID or substation ID?
For the allocation of a RES community, we need your transformer ID and substation ID. The ID query is made by entering the metering point number at the respective grid operator. We at neoom take care of the query for you after you have given us the power of attorney for the grid operator communication.
Are you still curious which ID is assigned to your point number? You can carry out a quick check online with the following network operators:
How does the electricity distribution work?
The members of a RES community primarily consume the electricity they produce themselves. If the electricity consumption is higher than the production in the RES community, the remaining electricity is purchased from the respective electricity provider. Electricity is distributed among the members on a percentage basis - easy, transparent & fair.
Here is an example:
In this example, the total electricity consumption is 12kWh, the RES community produces only 10kWh. Therefore, 2kWh are drawn from the grid.
The municipality has the highest electricity consumption with 4kWh, which corresponds to 33% of the total consumption. The municipality therefore draws 3.33kWh from the RES community and 0.67kWh from the grid.
How does the data management work?
The grid operator is responsible for your data. The EDA platform reads the data from your smart meter every 15 minutes. We receive this data on a daily basis via the platform.
More information about the EDA platform:
Where can I get more information about energy communities?
Find more FAQs on the topic of the Renewable Energy Sources Act:
Find more information on the topic of energy municipalities: