Die neoom BOOGIE Ladesäule bietet bis zu 2 x 22 kW Leistung
Die neoom BOOGIE spart Netzanschluss- und Betriebskosten
Simple operation
Common accounting systems
Dynamic load management
Modern design



Modern design
& smart functions

The neoom BOOGIE charging pole offers up to 2 x 22 kW power with type 2 socket or optional 4m spiral cable. Higher charging capacities with lower connected loads are possible through dynamic load management. This saves you grid connection and operating costs.

E-Lounge Nordost_komprimiert-1

Fit with neoom

for the electric future!

With the slogan "Mobility guaranteed", the long-standing family business BMW Reichhart in Mauthausen has made it its business to keep its customers mobile. 

Which charging station

is the right one for you?

Successful projects
powered by neoom

Huemer poultry farm relies on sustainable energy generation  
Huemer poultry farm relies on sustainable energy generation

The company has been in existence for more than 35 years and is now taking the next step into the future by actively expanding along the path to...

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Neoom World