As lead investor, the family office Z.E Fund Trust, represented by Mr. Maximilian Zeller, led the round. Among others, the Luxembourg-based Nixdorf Kapital Impact Fund S.C.S.-SICAV RAIF Burning Issues Impact Fund (BIIF), advised by Chi Impact Capital with Christin ter Braak-Forstinger, as well as venture capital professional and serial entrepreneur Roman Scharf were also present. A strong signal was also set by former shareholders and management as well as Walter Kreisel, the founder himself, in which they have co-invested 15% of the newly invested sum.
On July 23rd, during this year's neoom group summer party, we not only toasted this important milestone, but more new exciting information was also shared. In addition to CEO, founder and until now sole managing director Walter Kreisel, CFO Philipp Lobnig is now second managing director, as well as CCO Roman Diesenreiter as authorized signatory. Also new on board as COO and partner is ex-Fronius top manager Herbert Mühlböck.
A total of 5 people, led by the co-founder of Dynatrace and neoom group early stage investor Ms. Sok-Kheng Taing as Chairwoman, 1st Vice Chairman Günter Maier and 2nd Vice Chairwoman Kornelia Waitz-Ramsauer, join the Supervisory Board. Another woman, Christin ter Braak-Forstinger, joins the Advisory Board together with Maximilian Zeller, Rudolf Hilti, Michael Escher und Johannes Püller.
The optimal interaction of hardware and software is the foundation of the energy transition. The neoom group is convinced that results in sustainable energy generation and use must be seen as quickly as possible. This requires the development of new technologies, the expansion of production capacities and sales locations, and new know-how in the form of committed employees. With the investment round CENTUM, which generated a sum of 11 million euros, the company can continue to be a driver for new technologies on the market. This investment, in addition to enabling the further development of existing and, above all, new products, will allow us to establish digital services around the topic of energy. Furthermore, we will expand the market entry already launched in Germany and Switzerland as well as further expansion within Central Europe, and last but not least the increase and promotion of talent will be realized.
"The variety of companies that believe in us and provide us with funds shows us that we are on the right track with our vision. What we are particularly pleased about is that 15 percent of the investments come from existing shareholders and management," says Walter Kreisel, who has also invested himself.
With the newly generated sum of 11 million, the company intends to grow further: on the one hand at the headquarters in Freistadt, on the other hand in the entire German-speaking area. Last year, branches were opened in Forstinning, Munich and Vaduz. By the end of the year, locations in Berlin and Zurich will follow. For these new branches and also in Freistadt and Vienna, new employees* are constantly being sought. "Especially in the area of software development, we have a great need for talented people who think innovatively and actively contribute. With the successfully completed investment round, we now have every opportunity to further develop our products at full speed, open up new regions and bring new top talent into our teams," says a delighted Philipp Lobnig, Partner, CFO and new second Managing Director of the neoom group.