Climeworks x neoom

aktualisiert am:  14. September 2023
12 min Lesezeit
Climeworks Orca (c) Climeworks

Climeworks asked us how we managed to establish the topic of sustainability in our start-up days & how we came to find the budget for a multi-year cooperation to permanently remove CO2 from the atmosphere, which usually only large corporations manage.

Climeworks Orca plant in Iceland with founders C.Gebald and J.Wurzbacher, Image 10, Copyright Climeworks
Copyright Climeworks

“It was never about having a certificate in hand and saying: 'We are a climate neutral company!' We have been looking for businesses that are pioneers like us, as inspiration for others and make a real difference. That's exactly the kind of company we found in Climeworks.

Walter Kreisel
CEO & Founder neoom

Hope through Action

In the fight against climate change, it takes every single company. Regardless of size and business sector, every company can create a positive impact. Alliances are an essential step on the path to successful change and offer support in a variety of forms. It is not about being net zero right away, because the journey is long and there are no shortcuts. The important thing is to dare to take the first step and not be deterred along the way. Many small actions are encouraging and give hope for a successful transformation.

Climeworks Orca plant, Iceland, Image 9, Copyright Climeworks-1
Copyright Climeworks

360° Sustainability

As a CLEANTECH company, neoom is active daily in supporting other companies and private individuals through its holistic solutions in setting up and managing sustainable, decentralised energy systems and helping others become part of the energy transition. At the same time, neoom is continuously working on itself & the vision to become the first 'gigacorn' and, thus, save together with neoom customers 1 gigaton of CO2e. The pursuit of sustainability in products and services as well as in the entire company is, therefore, in our genes. And neoom is convinced: Almost every company can make a positive contribution to climate action - most importantly  by developing sustainable business models and products. Additionally, it requires the minimisation of the company's own footprint, taking responsibility for its own emissions and supporting climate protection projects and-technologies.



 “We are helping shape the transformation and decided early to incorporate sustainability into our business model. We are already benefiting from this: We do not have to transform our company in a cost- and resource-intensive way towards sustainability at a later point in time and have a much easier time dealing with rising regulatory requirements. In addition, we want to use our position to achieve the largest possible impact - with our products, with our actions and with our resources."

Christina Huber
Head of Sustainability neoom

CO2 Offset with Impact

When researching how to take responsibility for our carbon footprint, we came across a wide variety of qualities of carbon credits on the voluntary CO2-market. The challenge was to evaluate the impact of each credit. We asked ourselves how we could create the most impact with the budget we had. This guided us through each round of the assessment.

We are happy to have finally found the right cooperation partners: Climeworks has inspired our pioneering spirit with its innovative technology. The technological approach impresses with its transparent process of directly sucking CO2 out of the air, which can then be stored in the ground. The second key factor that contributes positively to our cost-benefit calculation is the solution's durability. The long-term storage of the captured CO2 emissions in the rock through the Carbfix process convinced us. It's  an ideal complementary technology  to our products and services, which are designed to prevent CO2 emissions in the first step.

From Startup to Scaleup

neoom has now grown to a scaleup, a major contribution to its success was the decision to go "all in" on sustainability, creating the greatest possible impact in the area of climate change. It was exciting to recently launch the neoom Carbon Portfolio: A portfolio that supports selected climate protection projects including nature based and technological solutions. On the one hand, the Carbon Portfolio serves to raise the internal CO2 price for corporate carbon neutrality. On the other hand, customers can participate in supporting climate protection projects as an add-on in the new neoom APP Skill GREEN.

"Committing to a 5-year partnership with Climeworks was a great success.”, states Christina Huber. "First, awareness was created in the company about the different qualities of CO2 credits and the role of different CO2-binding solutions in the fight against climate change. As part of the development of the neoom Carbon Portfolio, it was clear to us that we also wanted to incorporate such innovative solutions as Climeworks Carbon Removal Service."

More about Climeworks >

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