Pod Bau GmbH is laying the foundation for the energy transition

aktualisiert am:  27. November 2023
8 min Lesezeit

Pod Bau GmbH focuses on sustainable construction with its wooden construction modules - now, thanks to neoom, it also builds upon energy from renewable sources.

Challenge: Electricity Connection

This is made possible by a 3 MWp PV system, which is intended to supply the largest charging park in Austria with electricity. The challenge: Pod Bau GmbH only has a 1.6 MW power connection available. It was clear then: a battery storage was needed. Now the BLOKK electricity storage system from neoom with around 1.6 MW output and 3.6 MWh capacity is partly charged from the PV system and, if necessary, from the power grid.


Charging park & Load peaks

But if many people want to charge at the same time on the way home in the evening and the charging park with its approximately 50 charging points is fully occupied, expensive load peaks occur.

Together with the neoom CONNECT energy management system, the storage makes it possible to easily cap these load peaks and thus significantly reduce costs.

Spot market & control energy

The neoom software also enables purchasing and selling via the spot market, which means purchasing electricity at low electricity tariffs and selling energy at high prices. This greatly increases the economic efficiency of the storage system and can be amortised in just 10 years!

In the future, another source of income will be generated through participation in the balancing energy market. What that means? The task of the balancing energy market is to compensate for the discrepancy between electricity generation and consumption. This means that the control energy ensures a balanced and stable power grid.

If too much energy is demanded or too little is produced, this is positive control energy because more electricity has to be produced and fed in.

Negative control energy, on the other hand, deals with the scenario in which too much energy is produced or too little is consumed. Consequently electricity production must be reduced or consumption must be increased.

Pod Bau GmbH plans to participate in the positive and negative balancing energy market.

All of these use cases are made possible by the battery storage and neoom CONNECT. They make it easier to operate a storage facility of this size more economically. And are therefore important milestones on the way to the energy transition!

Gerhard Limberger, CEO Pod Bau GmbH

We were looking for a supplier for a large battery storage and then came across neoom, who are technically very well positioned and then decided briefly and succinctly to go this route with neoom. We are convinced - and are already preparing for another project with neoom!

Gerhard Limberger
CEO Pod Bau GmbH
Stefan Pilgerstorfer, neoom Director Projects

I am particularly pleased that, together with Pod Bau GmbH, we were able to implement so many highly innovative solutions for large battery storages - peak shaving, spot market, balancing energy market - in one project!

Stefan Pilgerstorfer
neoom Director Projects

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